The Makeup Show

Edited: The Makeup Show 2011: A Brief Photo Recap by Erin Baynham

What a day, what a day. The ups and downs, the doubts, the pain. It was a very long, but very fulfilling day! Meagan and Erin

I went to the show with Meagan Shea, friend, co-worker and makeup artist. She's a contributor for Afrobella, so check out her posts on Mondays!

I got to see some of my favorite girls from Youtube, including Marsha, Lesley, Cindy and Reena.

I also finally got to meet two of my favorite people on YT, RenRen and Ateeya!!! They were SO cool. RenRen was working at the Graftobian booth.  They are known for their fabulous palettes [foundation, lipstick and powder, to name a few], if you're a makeup artist, you need them, trust!

Glamcor Lights and Bags

Glamcor totally got me excited.  I got to see my darling Kevin Bennett, and he literally pulled me over to their booth. Yo. I need those lights! They were selling a duo sided light kit that are cool to the touch and easily transportable.  They were $195, and sold out by the time I got there. Grr. And those roller kits back there? Super durable, large, and weigh nothing. Zuca who?

At the Face Atelier booth, Lisa showed me a new silicone based cream blush. They go on really sheer, so the color looks like it comes from within. I wanted to try one on, but I got sidetracked. Oh Erin.

Sam Fine Seminar Outside Monitor

The sole reason for going to The Makeup Show was to hear the seminars from Sam Fine and Billy B.  Numerous folks told me that the Sam Fine seminar had a line outside almost 2 hours before it started.  Here are spectators crowding around the monitor on the main floor. Crazy. You really need to get his DVD via, it's jam packed with tips and well done tutorials. Seriously, I live for it. By the way, I did a video on Sam last year, feel free to check it out!

Billy B. at Keynote

Billy B. There are seriously no words that can explain how much I respect this man.  I mean really, his words of wisdom had everyone in awe. He told us why having an ego doesn't do anything for you, he explained his own insecurities, how hard he has to hustle and why hard work really does pay off. It was an earful of bliss. He even mentioned me in the seminar. Picture this: I floated out of myself, and then looked down at myself and said "Scandalous Beauty? Do you know her? Wait...Is that You? Did you even hear that? Are you seriously comprehending what just happened? You study his portfolio like a calculus textbook, and your name came out of his mouth." After my heart rate went down and I stopped playing his words over and over in my head, I sopped up the rest of the info that he willingly shared.

It is my advice to you, to get to The Makeup Show. Fly/drive/rail/ in from wherever you live. Save your money a year in advance, because you'll need it to purchase the vast amount of beauty products available to you. Seriously, it's two days of fantastic fun!!! Don't miss out!