Ep. 23: Creating a Social Media Strategy? Consider These Factors First! / by Erin Baynham

You know you need to be posting on social media to create awareness and engage your audience, but there are key steps that should be considered before you get started! This episode will help you lay the foundation for your social media strategy. We'll discuss goals, optimizing your profile, the types of content that might work best for you and so much more. If you're already using social media regularly, use these tips to refine your content and end game. 

Let's work together: Visit my website or shoot me an email for episode suggestions, consultations or one-on-one strategy sessions: hello@erinbaynham.com

Erin Baynham on social media:
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/erinbaynham
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/erinbaynham

Resources in this episode: 
Episode 3: Build Your Audience: Go Where Your People Are

Please feel free to reach out by email if you have questions! 

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